Sending roses to someone you love is the most beautiful gesture to express your incessant love and affection. Especially when the occasion is a birthday, then no other gift could bring a lovely smile to your recipient’s face than a bouquet of fragrant roses.
However, due to the huge varieties of roses available in different colors, it has become a tough choice to choose the right ones for your recipient. But when you couldn’t find anything, opt for a colorful bouquet of roses that are associated with a bundle of wishes and love.
Because there will hardly be a person who doesn’t like the gift of roses on their birthday. Roses are somewhat meaningful, attractive and one of the most memorable gifts as well.
Thus, when it comes to choosing the right shades of roses, people often feel intimidated and couldn’t decide what is the right color to send. Therefore, we have come up with a list of some stunning birthday roses for all time that is probably loved by any person.
So, if you are confused about picking the right rose color, let us help you figure out what is best for your loved ones.
Bold Red Roses:
Red roses are the obvious choice, which is why they get the first spot on our list.
Whenever you think about giving someone roses, a red rose is somewhat a default image that enlightens our minds. Right? The elegant, vibrant, and bold red roses look extremely bright and charming that conveys a message of love very beautifully. Because red roses are historically associated with love, passion, and romance. That’s why they can bring a smile to any face who receives red roses as a birthday gift.
The color might be the best choice when you are going to send them to your wife, girlfriend, or a female friend. Red roses are also available very easily and frequently. You don’t have to pay exorbitant money for buying roses as all online florists offer discounts and deals on such beautiful blooms.
Yellow Roses:
Yellow is another bright and cheerful color that perfectly matches the vibe of birthdays. Yellow roses always symbolize positivity, charm, and brightness. The person who receives yellow roses feels happy, lucky, and cheerful.
Yellow roses are not commonly available as red roses, so you might be the only person who is gifting yellow roses to the recipient on his birthday. Moreover, yellow roses are also associated with strong bonds of love and friendship. So, if your friend’s birthday is around the corner, choose a florist who can help deliver a bunch of beautiful red roses with a lovely notecard.
But did you know that yellow roses were not the symbol of happiness and friendship in old times? Especially in the Victorian era, yellow roses were associated with enviousness and jealousy. These were given by the person who doesn’t like you.
However, with time and technological advancements, the concept has been totally changed and now yellow roses symbolize love, friendship, and care.
White Roses:
White is the most elegant and sophisticated color that symbolizes purity, perfection, and peace. According to one myth, white roses are only suitable for weddings. But that’s not true. Though they are a popular choice in weddings, but that still does not constrain their use on other occasions. The meaning of white roses is to start a new chapter in life and have a peaceful time with your loved ones.
So, if your friends are beginning a new phase of their life and you simply want to wish them luck, peace, and happiness on their birthday, then sending white roses is a great option.
If you feel any difficulty in finding white roses, maybe online florists can help you a lot in choosing the right white bouquet. At Oz Flower Delivery, we have a range of white roses that can surely win the heart of your recipient on their birthday.
Peach Roses:
Peach is another simple, decent, and nice color that can be given to anyone you love and appreciate. Due to the popularity of other colors of roses, peace might be a little underrated choice by many people. However, the fact is, Peach roses look very charming, heartwarming, and unique. So, if you want to give something out of the box, peach roses are the best option. especially these are the best gift for your mother on Mother’s Day.
Peach roses symbolize deep gratitude, appreciation, and graciousness. If someone has played an important role in your success or helped you in your hard times, then sending a bouquet of peach roses is a great way to say thanks to them.
Blue Roses:
Want to send something extremely unique that your recipient has never received ever? If yes, go for blue roses.
Blue roses are not natural. They are artificially created after the cross-pollination between multiple shades of roses. This process makes roses more unique and eye-catching.
Blue is an elegant and sophisticated color. It is also associated with pinches of mysteriousness. This is the only flower that changes meanings geographically. In the west, it is associated with unfulfilled longing, and in the East, it is a clear declaration of deep love. So, this is a great choice for someone you love from the bottom of your heart.
Make sure you buy blue roses from a reliable florist who is efficient enough in this complicated process. After all, you have to send something unique that touches the heart of your recipient.
Order the Best Birthday Roses from OZ Flower Delivery:
Are you still confused about what is the right color to buy for your recipient? Do not worry, share your needs with OZ Flower Delivery florists who go above & beyond in fulfilling your requirement and deliver something best according to your expectations.
Have a look at our extensive collection of roses and choose red, white, pink, or a blend of mixed shades to surprise your recipient on his special day!